October 2022

November Meal Plan

November 2022 Nourishing Plan

What is a Nourishing Plan?

It is a monthly meal plan with fast days, biblical affirmations and weekly Bible verses. The Nourishing Plan was made to help you nourish spirit, soul and body.

What is included?

  • An introduction page explaining each section of the plan.
  • The monthly meal plan which includes fasting days; daily breakfast, lunch, and dinner; and weekly dessert and snack ideas.
  • Fourteen new biblical affirmations to last two weeks. They will be repeated for the remaining two weeks.
  • Verse(s) of the week.
  • Two grocery list templates (please note: these are templates only, not a shopping list).
  • New templates for November: Thanksgiving week planner, Thanksgiving menu plan and Thanksgiving Day cooking schedule .
  • A “cheat sheet” with affirmation and verses of the week (separate lists).
Sample of November Meal Plan
Here is a sample page from the plan. You can download the entire plan below or print it off (hang it on your fridge!)

Please be patient when downloading the Nourishing Plan PDF as it is several pages and may take a little bit of time to download or load when opened into another window.

A lot of work has gone into the Nourishing Plan. This is for personal use only; please do not redistribute, sell, or reproduce any aspect of the plan. If you know someone who would like a copy, direct them to the Nourishing Spirit, Soul and Body website where they can get one for themselves. Thank you.

Please note, I am not a doctor or medical professional. Some dietary recommendations can be healthy for some but possibly dangerous for others. You are responsible for your own health and safety. 

Pinterest Boards for Meal Plan

Check out the NSSB YouTube channel

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Unscramble the Words Free Printable PDF

Unscramble the Words Game: Women of the Bible

Do you enjoy word games? See if you can unscramble these twelve women of the Bible scrambled words. Click below to print the Unscramble the Words: Women of the Bible PDF or watch the video on the NSSB YouTube channel.

Here is the link to the second Unscramble the Words Game: Women of the Bible

Click here if you’re interested in more bible quizzes and games.

Unscramble the Words Game: Women of the Bible Read More »

Do You Need a Change in Perspective

Do You Need A Change In Perspective?

John 4:35 (ASV)
Say not ye, There are yet four months, and then cometh the harvest? behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields, that they are white already unto harvest. 

Allow me to say, just as Jesus did, look up. Sometimes, we look at things the same way for so long that it is difficult to see it differently. At times like this, we need a different viewpoint–namely God’s. I believe this is what was happening when Jesus tells His disciples to see the harvest. God’s viewpoint will always require us to consider a new way of seeing.

I have read that the most difficult part for a seeing eye dog is learning to not look down all the time but to look up and “see” what needs to be seen. Interestingly, we also need to be reminded to look up. It’s so easy to see the natural and the here and now, often it feels impossible to see the spiritual, the eternal. If we will see things His way, God can use everything to help us grow closer to Him.

Lord, help us to hear Your call and to respond to that call to look up. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Luke 21:27-28 (ASV)
And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. 
But when these things begin to come to pass, look up, and lift up your heads; because your redemption draweth nigh. 

Check out NSSB YouTube channel.

More Verse and Thought

Do You Need A Change In Perspective? Read More »

Fill in the Blanks: Bible Verses

Fill in the Blanks Game: 10 Bible Verses

Test your knowledge of the Bible with this ten-question fill-in-the-blanks game on Bible verses. Below is a printable PDF, or you can watch the video on the NSSB YouTube channel.

More Bible Quizzes & Games

Interested in a meal plan with fasting days, weekly Bible verses and affirmations? Check out our free Nourishing Plans.

Fill in the Blanks Game: 10 Bible Verses Read More »

What Does the Bible Say About Hope?

Watch our YouTube video to see what the Bible says about hope. Putting our hope in things of this world will only lead to disappointment, but by having a biblical hope and putting our trust and confidence in God, we can have a peace that surpasses all understanding.

Philippians 4:7 (ASV)
And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall guard your hearts and your thoughts in Christ Jesus. 

More Verses

What Does the Bible Say About Hope? Read More »

Be Comforted

Allowing Yourself To Be Comforted

Finally, brethren, farewell. Be perfected; be comforted; be of the same mind; live in peace: and the God of love and peace shall be with you. 
2 Corinthians 13:11 (ASV)

I would like to focus on two words in this verse–be comforted. Have you ever been so low that you didn’t want to be helped, comforted or encouraged? Sometimes we want to feel how we feel and can easily get stuck there. In this verse, the apostle Paul says to be comforted, and if we look at these words as a command, we can see that we should choose to be comforted and allow the help that others provide. At times, this is neither quick nor easy, but with God’s help, we can choose to be comforted. Let’s allow God, and others, to provide the support we need.

NSSB YouTube video: Biblical Affirmations on Love

Check out our new Nourishing Plans

Allowing Yourself To Be Comforted Read More »

Nourishing Plan, Meal Plan

October 2022 Nourishing Plan

What is a Nourishing Plan?

It is a monthly meal plan with fast days, biblical affirmations and weekly Bible verses. The Nourishing Plan was made to help you nourish spirit, soul and body.

What is included?

  • An introduction page explaining each section of the plan.
  • The monthly meal plan which includes fasting days; daily breakfast, lunch, and dinner; and weekly dessert and snack ideas.
  • Fourteen different biblical affirmations to last two weeks. They will be repeated for the remaining two weeks.
  • Verse(s) of the week.
  • Two grocery list templates (please note: these are templates only, not a shopping list).
  • A “cheat sheet” with affirmation and verses of the week (separate lists).

Here is what the plan looks like. You can download it and keep it on your computer or print it off (Hang it on your fridge!)

Please be patient when downloading the Nourishing Plan PDF as it is several pages and may take a little bit of time to download or load when opened into another window.

A lot of work has gone into the Nourishing Plan. This is for personal use only; please do not redistribute, sell, or reproduce any aspect of the plan. If you know someone who would like a copy, direct them to the Nourishing Spirit, Soul and Body website where they can get one for themselves. Thank you.

Please note, I am not a doctor or medical professional. Some dietary recommendations can be healthy for some but possibly dangerous for others. You are responsible for your own health and safety. 

Pinterest Boards for Meal Plan

Check out our printable Bible Quizzes & Games or watch the YouTube video.

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