August 2022

Unscramble the Words: OLD TESTAMENT Books of the Bible

Click the link below to print Unscramble the Words: Old Testament Books of the Bible. Check out our YouTube video to see if your answers are correct.

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5 Biblical Affirmations for Anxiety

Biblical affirmations are based on biblical truths about what God can do in our lives and help us better understand who we are in Him. Biblical affirmations help us replace the negative thoughts and lies we’ve believed with God’s promises. By allowing those promises to get into our hearts and change the way we think and feel about situations, it can help calm our minds and anxiety.

Click the link below to print and have on hand as a reminder. Also, feel free to check out our YouTube video.

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Overflowing Abundant Life

To me, this verse is a good picture of how Jesus desires us to be nourished while also showing a contrast of what the enemy desires for us and executes against us. Jesus did not do all He did for us to just survive but rather to thrive. Therefore, we can know that being in survival mode is the work of the enemy and not from Jesus. When I read this verse, I can’t help but long for that abundant, overflowing life. At times, I, for one, am guilty of focusing on the outer life, even though I have experienced enough of God to know that real life–abundant life from God–is in the inner man: where joy, peace and righteousness are given through the gift of the Holy Spirit.

Lord, help me to pursue abundant life for the inner man.

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